Seeds that have passed stratification, we send wet in perlite, and if you received dry seeds (without perlite), which means that they have not passed stratification and you, if it is required for seeds, need to stratify!

Basic rules of working with soil

Agrotechnical care is:

● Non-waste processing technology. If you apply this method of soil cultivation, then all the useful substances and trace elements are preserved in the earth, the natural layers of the earth will not be disturbed, preserving the fertile layer. This allows it to only increase over time, and, therefore, the amount of harvest increases. As a result, thanks to such agricultural technology, the soil will become fertile and healthy.

● Normalization of acidity. It is very important if you plan to plant seedlings of vegetable crops to normalize the acidity. With an increased acid content in the fertile layer, drying occurs and it becomes much harder to process. It becomes more difficult for plants, trees and shrubs to obtain trace elements contained in the earth, such as phosphorus, ammonia, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

● Plastering. All saline soils must be subjected to gypsum. This will allow replacing sodium ions with calcium ions, which leads to an increase in the fertility of the earth.

● Insulation and loosening. If you have clay or damp soil on your site. You can improve its quality by adding sand or agroperlites. Thanks to them, the soil will not crack, and the appearance of mold, crust and the occurrence of the rotting process is also excluded.

● Restoration of soil structure. It is very important not just to use the land until it loses all its properties, but also to restore it in a timely manner. This can be done with the help of natural mineral fertilizers.

What plants can be planted
to improve the quality of the soil?

In order to maintain the fertility of the soil and give it the opportunity to recover, you can use the basic rules of agricultural technology. These include the regular planting of siderate plants. They need to be planted up to three times in one season.

The siderates are sealed or simply mowed into the budding phase and repeated sowing in the same place.

The types of such plants include:

● cruciferous crops (rapeseed, mustard),

● cereals (oats, rye),

● legumes (vetch, peas, lupin),

● phacelia, buckwheat and their mixtures

● Marigolds and calendula.

How to use fertilizers?

Fertilizers can improve the quality of the soil and increase yields.

One of the most popular are humates. These include a fairly large group of substances that are made on the basis of humic acid salts. The advantages include easy dissolution in water and no harm to both the plant and the person. Humus will help you fertilize the soil in a timely manner, while not using chemicals.

The second large group of fertilizers is microbiological preparations. They contain live cultures of selected beneficial microorganisms with specified controlled properties.

Their main advantages include:

● during watering, the water will be immediately absorbed into the ground, and not spilled on the sides;

● Improves air intake;

● the soil becomes rich in humus and other beneficial bacteria;

● due to the fact that the number of weeds is significantly reduced, the plant receives more useful substances;

● the number of diseases in plants is reduced;

● the soil becomes much easier to process and cultivate;

● the yield increases significantly, the plants continue to bear fruit until frost several times a season.

All organic preparations are completely safe for plants and for humans. Their content in the fruit does not exceed the norm.

Applying these basics of agricultural technology, you will be able to grow a rich harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries on your dacha plot.